Selasa, 19 November 2013


Berikut gue lampirin hasil laporan report gue yang bener-bener bikin repot.Yang kebetulan baru gue presentasiin beberapa minggu yang lalu.

Tenyata nggak cuma ngebuat Reportnya yang bikin repot, buat ngepresentasiinnya aja butuh tingkat konsentrasi ekstra buat ngehapalin satu makalah kampret ini. But its so fun, mungkin kestresan gue kali ini bakalan gue kenang suatu saat nanti. Semoga bermanfaat,

SCHOOL YEAR OF 2013/2014


Aranged by:

Name                          : Noviyani
Nis                              : 11884
Grade                         : XII
Competence Program : Office Administration

State Vocational High School 6 Surakarta
JL. LU. Adisucipto No. 38 Surakarta
Telp/Fax. 0271-726036/740932 Surakarta 57143



This report has been examined by the board of examiner vocational state high school 6 Surakarta and declared to fulfill the English Curriculum.

Consultan and Examiner

Hartuti,S.Pd , M.Pd
NIP : 197304041997022001

Accepted by the examiner
Of Office Administration Department
Vocational State High School 6 Surakarta
On October 2013

Head of Office Administration Department

Endang Retna Palupi, S.Pd , M.Pd
NIP : 197201181997022001


All of praise and thanks to God, because by His mercy, writer can finish the report on time. The report is made as the requirement to have school examination year 2013 / 2014.

And the writter also say thank you to all sides who support and help the writer to finish the report, they are who honorable :
  1. Dra. Sri Supartini, MM as the principal SMK NEGERI 6 SURAKARTA who gives opportunity to do on the job training.
  2. Endang Retno Palupi, S.Pd ,M.Pd as the head of office administration.
  3. Sri Hartini, S.Pd as class guardian of Office Administration 1
  4. Hartuti S.Pd ,M.Pd as English teacher, consultant and examiner who gives course in arranging the report.

In writing this report, writer is conscious that there are still many mistakes. So I accept suggestion and constructive criticsm from all readers. Finally, I hope that this report can be useful for all.

Surakarta,  October 2013



TITLE...................................................................................................................................... i
RATIFICATION.................................................................................................................... ii
PREFACE.............................................................................................................................. .iii
TABLE OF CONTENT......................................................................................................... .iv
1.1 Background...............................................................................1
                                    1.2 Objecktives...............................................................................1
                                    2.1 Time and Place..........................................................................2
                                    2.2 Material and Equipment.............................................................2
                                    2.3 Sceme of Work.........................................................................3
                                    2.4 Motion of Job............................................................................3
                                    2.5 Result........................................................................................5
                                    3.1 Implementation.........................................................................6
                                    3.2 Benefits....................................................................................6
a.       Benefits for School..............................................................6
b.      Benefits for Institutions........................................................6
c.       Benefits for Students...........................................................6
                                    4.1 Conclusion...............................................................................7
                                    4.2 Suggestion...............................................................................7


The document is a form of data or information that its existence is required by an agency / company. If a document is lost without anyone knowing, then the information on the company and even then would be disrupted. As a result, the agency / company will suffer losses in terms of both time and financially. Therefore, a document management requires a well-organized so as not to be lost.
Office Administration student competency skills SMK N 6 Surakarta, taught a system of handling documents. Among the agenda book system, System Control Card and others. By using these systems, it is expected that a document can be processed well , ranging from the acceptance, distribution, to storage .
Handling documents is not the same in every institution there are even some that are very different from what is taught at school. But in general the system used has the same base, so in need of quick adaptation to be able to handle documents in the real business world .
Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta using a centralized document management system, which is a document handling is managed by a division that has been set. In Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta , BAAK is a central handling documents bureau, one of the principal activities which handles all incoming and outgoing documents from the Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta .
Related to handling documents, the writer wants to apply through this report about the writer knowledge got from school and practical activities got from the institution of OJT program.

The objectives of job Training in business world are:
*      To introduce the students to business and industrial world
*      To understand about implementation of the theorynof accounting in real business world
*      To increase student capability in Office administration Departement
*      To train the students mentality
*      To train discipline and responsibility to finish the task


A.                TIME AND PLACE
1.      Time
This school program was done during 2 (two) months. It was started on 1th March until 25th April 2013. The Writer has five efective days, it’s on Monday until Friday and holiday on Saturday. The writer work started at 08.00 a.m and finished at 03.00 p.m.

2.      Place
On the Job Training has been in Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta. It’s Located in Jl. KH. Samanhudi No. 38, Mangkuyudan, Surakarta.

      The maaterials and equiptments for Job Training in Politeknikk Indonusa Surakarta are:
1.      Agenda Book,
2.      Disposition Sheet,
3.      Stopmap,
4.      Snailhecter,
5.      Ordner,
6.      Envelope,
7.      Agenda Stamp,
8.      Bolpoint,
9.      Stepler,
10.  Perforator Machine,
11.  Computer and printer,
12.  Photo Copy Machine,
13.  Paper.

1.      Drs. Saafrudin Sahar
Administration is organizing all activities or process with each business group of human cooperation to archives certains goal.

2.      Modul Megelola dan Menjaga Sistem Kearsipan
Document is a form of informaton that it’s existance is required by an Agency or company.

3.      Modul Menangani Surat/Dokumen Kantor
Centralized principle is the principle of handling file / document is done centrally on a specific part that has been appointed by a company , so that the existence of the file / document can be well controlled .

                        In the custome of Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta, They used the centralization letter/document and information coordinate system. The basist of centralization is a basist which deal with the BAAK (Biro Administrasi, Akademik, dan Kemahasiswaan) division which included from letters/documents coordinate of other activity which should know or agree by the leader. This basist is sult able for the office which has an usual volume for letters/documents matters just like in this BAAK division at Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta.


Agenda Incoming Letter

Acceptance and Sorting

Distribution / Archives

Back To BAAK


  In this time the writer will explain the activity which should be done in every steps, such as:
1.      Acceptance and Sorting
In the custom of BAAK, letters/documents usualy delivered by the mailman/curier into BAAK division. After the letters/document had been received and then the letters has been sorted.

2.      Agenda Incoming Letter
After the receiver had steps, then is writen in Book Agenda Incoming Letter. The other thing sould included in the Book Agenda Incoming Letter are:
a.       No. Index
b.      Time, Date, and Letters Numbers
c.       Letter Source
d.      The Summary and The Message of The Letters

3.      Disposition
After the letter had been writen in the book agenda incoming letter, then officer write that letters in disposotion sheet. The matters that should be write in disposition sheet are:
a.       Letter clasifikation
b.      No. Index
c.       Time, date, and letters numbers
d.      The source letters
e.       The summary letters
f.       Arrival time of the letters
g.      Information/instruction column

After that the letters and disposition sheet put into snailhecter and delivered to Director room that obtain signatures and information / instruction handling to be done to the letter.

4.      Return to BAAK Division
After the letters/documents had passed the disposition process and got the director signed and instruction/information, the letters/documents return to BAAK division and will pased the next process.

5.      Distribution or Archve
In this section, the next process is determined by the disposition instructions of the director, wether it should be archive or distributed to the designated division by director.

Archiving adapted to the classification letter/document in the institution. This is done so that the letters/documents are easily found again when it needed.

F.         RESULT
     The result of Handling Documents At Baak (Biro Administrasi, Akademik & Kemahasiswaan) Of Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta are as follow:
1.      Get knowledge about the real examples about processing and handling documents,
2.      By handling letter/document which systematic, so mail handling activity in this office more neat.
3.      Processing letter is more quickly,
4.      Important document was kept well, so if it is needed, it will be easily found,
5.      To minimize the risk of missing the letters,
6.      Getting the skill about processing volue.


A.                IMPLEMANTATION
1.      Prombiting Factor
The prombiting factors when the writer did on the job training are:
Ø  The director in this officer takes a long time for giving the signature,
Ø  The BAAK division just have a small room,
Ø  Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta distance the writer’s home is very far,
Ø  ATK management is less restrained, sometimes at BAAK paper shortages or missing equipment.
Ø  Sometimes the writer not spirited, when there is nothing to handled.

2.      Supporting Factor
The suporting factor when the writer did on the job training are:
Ø  The attitudes of the officers are good and nice. They like giving motivations, also sharing their experience. They always teach the writer for doing the good and right things while the writer did on the job training,
Ø  Wifi facilities on everywhere, make the job easier,
Ø  Tiny office facilitate coordination among employes.

B.                 BENEFITS
1.      Benefits for school:
a.       Trough OJT, school will have the partnership with the insstitutions.
b.      Trough OJT, school be able to apply the dual program derianded the curiculum.

2.      Benefits for student:
a.       The student can implemente the theory of office administration in business world directly.
b.      The student can try to work in the team.
c.       The student will get certificate of on the job training from Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta after finishing the job training.
d.      It’s can train the student mentality.

3.      Benefits for institution:
a.       Institution will be able to give it’s help to education,
b.      Institution has a partnership with schools.


A.                CONCLUSION
The conclusion tahat the writer can take from the report are:
1.      The writer could get a lot of new experience from the business world beside the knowledge from school.
2.      By following on the job training, the writer could increase the discipline in everything.
3.      This final task report could train the responsibilities of student.

B.                 SUGESTION
1.      The teachers must put the student on the right place based on the student’s capabilities.
2.      The time for have job training on the second step must shorter than the first step because the 3rd year must study hard for final examination.
3.      The students in the job training must be able to keep the goodwill of the ammeter.


Suyetti, Sri Endang R, Sri Mulyani. 2008. Menangani Surat/Dokumen Kantor. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Suyetti, Sri Endang R, Sri Mulyani. 2006. Mengelola dan Menjaga Sistem Kearsipan. Jakarta: Erlangga.

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